With a background of philosophy, science and aesthetic research and consideration of life, I produces various works such as electronic devices, spatial installations, and publications.
Recently I am interested in the connection between bio and folklore, and I am developing output regardless of the media. We started "Culture and Biology" in 2023, I am in charge of direction. And I'm also interested in events related to books, and I also manage and plan for the media bookstore "TRANS BOOKS". And I'm a member of East Japan Railway Foundation For Cultural Innovations.
Recently I am interested in the connection between bio and folklore, and I am developing output regardless of the media. We started "Culture and Biology" in 2023, I am in charge of direction. And I'm also interested in events related to books, and I also manage and plan for the media bookstore "TRANS BOOKS". And I'm a member of East Japan Railway Foundation For Cultural Innovations.
-2018 : 芸術アートの保存・修復 ― 未来への遺産 / The University Art Museum - Tokyo University of the Arts ,Tokyo,JP
-2016 : "Tadameshi wo yama de kutta" / SOBO,Tokyo,JP
-2014 : "Shibukaru Festival" / Shibuya PARCO,Tokyo,JP
-2013 : "Tadameshi wo yama de ku" / Shicho-room,Tokyo,JP
-2011 : "Horyuan2011" / Horyuan, Yamaguchi,JP
-2011 : "Notice of Utopia" / AkibaTamabi, Akihabara,JP
-2010 : "Museum of Minato Line" / Ibaraki,JP
▼Other Activity
6 5-6, 2010 : On The Harmful Effects of No-Smoking @ VACANT (Harajuku, Shibuya ward, Tokyo)
11 11-17, 2010 : Akumanoshirushi’s Great Hunting @ VACANT (Harajuku, Shibuya ward, Tokyo)